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Birthday Wishes - 24 Years of LML
Aw guys - Seriously! I can't believe how many ^amazing^ friends I have, really! Am I really this lucky!?
**23 has been truly the most developing, introspective, and amazing year in my life - in one year I have gained a grave sense of independence, begun to mindfully take care of my body...
began to learn how to cook, to contemplate my spirituality, reading more, developing my absolute, shameless love of **LDnB**, adding some manipulation to my crazy dance moves.... accepted who I am - ^love it^ - and run with it.
My interactions with you beautiful people have motivated me to put in the time and focus it takes to be who I want to be.**
**For 24 - I truly hope that after I've gained a little more self-confidence, I can start giving back to the scene that has given me countless beautiful experiences - whether it be raves, electronic, hippie, burns, performance art**