Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Asheville - Day of the Dead

An amazing experience to be had in Asheville - I am entirely lucky to have fallen in such a right place at the right moment, being graced with such warm company. We arranged to have a group of new and old friends to have lunch at Kristen's work who was having a Day of the Dead celebration, held in the courtyard of the restaurant. Liz and I were the first to arrive, sitting down to enjoy their specialty drink which was in someway a mix of Mojito and Mint Julip.

I was able to eat and celebrate this gracious day with new friends I had met the previous night, as well as a good friend Nick who happened to be traveling through Ashville as well, along with old friends from Memphis. What a perfect night with my friends - the Day of the Dead commences the day after Halloween and is a day to not morn the dead, but rather to celebrate their spirits and invite them to join us in our feted gathering.

In addition to eating some delicious vegetarian food, there were slips of paper and pens with which each person was able to write a letter to a spirit. The paper was then placed into paper boats that hung in several places around the terrace. The boats of letters were then to be delivered to the deceased by sending them down the river.

We were also invited as guests of this occult celebration to write an invitation to the spirit on a doily and choose a sugar skull and candle. Each person was then asked to bring the items to the alter, place the skull on top of the invitation and light a candle - giving it our sincerest and warmest blessing.

This moment brought tears to my eyes as I honored my dearest friend Tommy - how grateful I am to have had his presence and influence in my life. To have his spirit with me at this celebration was redoubtable as I was surrounded by loving friends and a glowing city. The warmth I felt during such a dark celebration was oddly of the most welcoming, warm, and freaky that I have experienced.

Thank you Asheville for such an adventure.