THE ONE MONTH TEST - They say it takes a month to develop a good habit, so I'm giving myself a month to develop it. Starting on Tuesday, March 23, 2010, I'm going to start running.
If you can get yourself out that door to run, you win.
You will get in better shape, feel better about yourself, and hopefully grow to love running.
Running Goals
**The main goal is not to be thin, but to be FIRM**
I do understand that I will never be petite or skinny, but I want to take care of my body and shed the excess fat. I am ready to finally be proud of my body.
- Run consistently!
- Run FOUR times a week - Monday through Thursday (just like in high school). Running on an everyday basis will help you stay on a schedule
- Find some awesome music to run to - here, here, or here.
- Get a watch
- Don't stop moving - because your legs can get tight.
- Complete an aerobic workout that is between 20 to 30 minutes long
- Five minute brisk walk (warm up), 20 minute jog, five minute brisk walk (cool down)
- Add in some speed work because it will help burn more calories - end the run with a few pick ups (run faster than your regular run, but slower than an all out sprint)
- Take it easy on yourself, don't stress yourself out when running.
- Second best activity for burning calories -- I LOVE my body shape, I LOVE having curves, I LOVE my proportions; however, I want to tone my body, get rid of the excess fat, and be FIRM.
- Increases metabolism (so you can eat more) - burn calories more efficiently even when you are resting
- Increase self esteem
- Good way to get away from everything else
- Can extend your life
- Benefits circulatory and heart health
- Increases muscle and bone strength
- Strengthens immune system, reduces chance of certain diseases
- Better social life
- Sleep better at night
- For the BODY, MIND, and SPIRIT
- Helps with depression
- Assists in overcoming alcohol and drug addiction
- Produces "runner's high"
- Have a smaller chest
- More oxygen gets to your skin and pores release dirt when you run = clearer skin.